You and Me

You and Me

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Plus-Size?! What?!

Look at these beautiful women. I don't think any of these females are fat...or anything near "plus-size." What is wrong with the modeling world? Geez...


  1. Yeah, They are pretty. But you know the modeling world, you can't be called a model if you can't use a bracelet as a hoola hoop. It's ridiculous I know. But that's the label they have chosen for beauty. Having plus sized models is their idea of playing nice and letting everyone in. Kinda like how in a school they'll have a C squad for cheerleading. It's only so they can say that they included them. But to call them "plus-size" models instead of just models is a way for them to separate them and constantly point out that they are not regular models. Almost making it seem like they are less. It's terrible... but what can you do? As long as you yourself don't get brain washed by the media into accepting their skewed standards for beauty. Then you'll be OK. And I'm pretty sure you are :)

  2. Torrid's collection of trendy plus size clothing - including the latest apparel, lingerie, swimwear and accessories. how to be a plus size model
