You and Me

You and Me

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

~So This Is Love~

                          Here in this blog, we support love.

And it doesn't matter what form it takes...

Because it's still love.
You can try to put a label on it....

                       But that won't make it any less real.

Real Love Needs No Labels.
Choose To Love.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Girl Thing....

It was the week of our first debate tournament. Thrown by us. Coach asked us to give the kiddies a dress tutorial. When I asked you for your opinion, you responded with "I prefer girls in pantsuits because I think it puts them on level playing field with the guys." I about fell off my chair. At that moment I was ashamed to be a girl. Obviously, you have never been told that you couldn't do something as well because you were a girl. Me? I am damn proud to be a girl. I am proud to be a slightly feminine girl. I believe every girl should do the same thing successful guys do. Dress to LOOK good. That might mean a pantsuit. That might mean a dress. That might mean combat boots. Girls should use what they are given. You should not try to get on a level playing field by wearing pantsuits. You should demand that you are respected by the role that you play. If that means you are a housewife, own it. A business woman, own it. Even if you have a crewcut and work in an auotshop. Own the role that you play. THAT is putting yourself on the level playing field with "the guys" You think people do not notice when you are TRYING to put yourself on the same level by taking away your feminine charm? By making yourself look more and more plain? [If you are not feminine, then fine. I bet you look hella good in guys pants and oversized plaid shirts.]That was insulting, because I have been spending the past four years of my life working to get the same level of respect as a female authority figure. After you said that, I immediately went out and bought a suit, with a skirt instead of pants. I also bought 3 inch heels. Now, I will spend the rest of the year proving you wrong.

"Makeup is out warpaint. Heels are a weapon." Kristina Bensen

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Time

I am going to give you a scenario. We have all been there, you will recognize this. You are out in public, and you will hear someone being rude, negative, or caustic. Or perhaps you will be walking down the street and see someone asking for money. Whatever the scenario, there is always that one person who always says "It's Christmas!" To justify giving the other person the money, or to calm down the irate person in the mall -true story here. The phrase "But it's Christmas!/"C'mon, it's Christmas!"/"It's Christmas !"is tossed around like crazy this time of year. Yes, I realize that Christmas is the time for giving, time for love and peace on Earth. But should we really need a holiday to remind is to be good people? Do we really need a holiday to remind us to be good people, or to convince us to be kind even to strangers? Here's another one that really gets me. There is this woman who works at Smiths. We will call her Nancy. Nancy is generally cold, impersonal, but efficient. A few days ago, however, she was smiling at us, asking us how we were. As we left, she wished us a happy holiday. Go in there a day or two later, and I watched as Nancy did the same thing again. I welcomed this behavior of course. However, I knew that it was probably just brought on by the time of the year. The holiday spirit, so to speak. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE  Christmas. I love the whole feeling of it. But it kinda disappionts me that people need a holiday as a reason to be a good person. To give gifts and be more joyful, tolerant, or understanding. I wonder, how come we cannot hold these ideals all year long? You see, I always make it a point to ask people "Hi, how are you?" and when I am leaving, I wish them a nice day. Especially to cashiers, it tends to throw them off guard, (especially if you say it first) I smile at strangers who I make eye contact with, I try to be polite. Somtimes I go for months without getting any kind of similar response back. Then December hits, and people slowly start acting in a similar fashion. All of a sudden, people are more charitable as well. There is probably more giving in December than there is all summer long. While I love the holiday spirit, I guess I wish that more people would just be good people because it's the right thing to do. Then again, maybe it's just me. Perhaps I am imagining it all. We shall see. I will be keeping a closer eye this time. I have faith that Humanity as a general whole, is good. I hope that soon, more and more people will begin to carry the ideals of peace, goodwill, giving selflessly all year 'round. As for me, I will keep doing what I am doing Just because it's the right thing to do. I will keep a closer eye on Nancy though.


Zombieland Rules, Revisited =)

1. Cardio

2. Double tap

3. Beware of bathrooms

4. Wear seatbelts

5. Two things in life are guaranteed to you: Death and Taxes.

6. Cast iron skillets. Best skillet EVER.

7. Travel light

8. Get a kickass partner

9. Beware of Red in a mood

10. Think before you SHOW your parents the photo

11. Family comes first

12. Bounty paper towels reign supreme

13. Always be prepared

14. Do not mess with my dog

15.Bowling balls are good for more than one thing.

17. (Don't) be a hero

18. Limber up

19.  When it all starts to go bad, go to Wal-Mart

20. Know your limits (There are few)

21. Avoid strip clubs [on the bad side of town]

22. When in doubt, know your way out

23. Keep some money in cash

29. The buddy system

30. Sometimes you have to eat the hamburger/liver/chili

31. Check the back seat

32. Enjoy the little things

33. Swiss army knives...pretty self explanatory

34. Throw salt over your left shoulder

35. Listen to the little voice inside your head. It's usually right

36. Find creative ways to relieve stress

38. Drink lots of water

39. Sometimes you just have to deal

40. Never forget the coffee

41. Keep lies simple

42. Whoever is driving picks the music

43. Have a back-up plan. And a back-up to that too

44. Makes lists

45. Good vibes

46. It's provbably not a good idea to slap the sister in law. No matter how much you hate her.

47. Love yourself

48. Hygiene

49. When you run out of things to talk about, the relationship is over

50. Assume that they are going to do it wrong


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Plus-Size?! What?!

Look at these beautiful women. I don't think any of these females are fat...or anything near "plus-size." What is wrong with the modeling world? Geez...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


That fun, scary holiday is coming up soon! I am excited! I can't wait to dress up in my cute little bunny ears and hang out with my family! I absolutely adore this holiday...almost as much as Christmas =]

Why I Have the CUTEST Puppy in the World!

How cute is he?! He is the CUTEST puppy in the world! I absolutely LOVE him! Jerney bought him for me about a month before we got married. I told him I didn't want to be in the apartment alone all day, so he got me a friend. Tyson is the sweetest, funniest, (dumbest), best puppy ever. He's a little hell-raiser, but oh well. What baby isn't? <3