You and Me

You and Me

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Army Life

There are many an occasion when I miss the Army life. Getting up at the ass crack of dawn, doing PT (physical training) with all of my friends. Going back to the barracks (occasionally racing back), and getting ready for the day. Formations, the chow hall, NCOs always smoking us, being in CRAZY good shape, being around people who I would take bullets for. All of my friends excluding a few are Army. They're scattered across the country, even the globe. I have a few friends in either Iraq or Afghanistan, a few in Germany, and several in Korea. I mean yeah, the National Guard is awesome. I get to be both a citizen and a soldier (3 Doors Down's song is awesome). It's the oldest branch of the military and I enjoy going to drill once a month. I get to travel on the government's dime once a  year for two weeks and regardless of what I may say, I have a blast. But still. Training was super fun, and I sometimes miss being on active status. Would I ever go back to being active? Probably not. But my husband might =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just So Tired...

I am just so tired of listening to people complain about living here. It's not that bad. Really. Saint George and Beaver Dam have been home to me since I was 8 years old. And I don't want to leave any time soon. Sure, vacations are nice. But it's really not that bad here. I have been in and out of here several times in the past year. And I can't tell you how badly I wanted to come home during those times. I would tell people how amazing this place was when I was gone. I mean really...How is it that bad? And if you're so unhappy here, what makes you think that going somewhere new with a bunch of people and places you don't know will make you any happier? My best friend lives away. She left right after high school to live somewhere away from home with family and go to school. It's only been a year, and she's begging me to bring her home. Sure, I've been all over the country. Georgia is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. But I wouldn't move there just because I'm bored. And I don't have any friends here. I mean sure, I have companions at the college who I speak to on a regular basis, but when I leave, the only person I hang out with is my husband. I don't have any friends in Saint George. But I am happy. So all ya'll just calm down. Stop focusing so much on "getting out of here" and just be happy in the moment. Life is way too short to worry about things like that.